Montgomery County Road Runners Club

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting of August 3, 2006


Called to order: 7:09 pm


Present: Craig Roodenburg (President), Dave Haaga (VicePresident), Sethiya Renwick (Treasurer), Gary Resnick (Secretary), Susan Gagnon (Member at Large), Cathy Blessing (Member at Large), Jim Farkas (Member at Large), Jean Arthur (Member at Large), Chris Richey (Member at Large)


Guest: Pat Maloney (club member and new chair of RunAware campaign)


Minutes Prepared By: Gary Resnick, Secretary


1.      Review Agenda

a)      Jean: add discussion about contribution to Take Back the Night (7d)

b)      Craig discussed request for solicitation of products to club members, sent a standard response

c)      Cathy: Add Request for Running Coach by a local school, Cathy will assemble an email group for certified coaches to deal with requests, and she will respond to this specific request

d)      Jean: add item regarding CPR classes

2.      Business Involving Invited Guest: Pat Maloney RunAware campaign

a)      Pat has volunteered to chair the RunAware campaign, asked the Board for their goals, purpose of the campaign, asked how will we know that we've been successful?

b)      outward signs of support would be nice, also if the campaign gets picked up by other clubs or on national newswires

c)      Pat suggested the current stickers be included in the race packets for the Half-Marathon

d)      Another suggestion from Pat: connect with the Montgomery County Sports Council

e)      A Letter to the Editor from MCRRC was sent to Runner's World online forum already but it was not published

f)       Pat will send out a message on the Dead Runner's Society listserv

g)      Gary volunteered to work on the campaign

h)      Pat will come back at the next meeting to report on the committee's progress

3.      Review MCRRC Calendar

a)      Go for the Glory Track Meet, Fri 8/4, 7:30pm, Bethesda, 2M (CS, JP); 1M; 400 meter; .25 and .5 mile Young Runs

b)      Comus Run Cross Country 5K (XC), Sun 8/13, 5pm, Comus

4.      Minutes of the Previous Meeting

a)      Gary suggested slight revisions to item 0607-6a to make it clearer that the race is National Marathon (in addition to Baltimore Marathon), and to revise 0607-5a to just indicate that the spreadsheet will be given to George for his feedback

b)      Motion to accept minutes,  Jean moved,  Chris seconded, passed unanimously

5.      Treasurer’s Report

a)      The total cash in MCRRC accounts, as of July 31 (not including Marathon in the Parks, Pike’s Peek, and HYR accounts) was the following:

i)           Checking (9223)                             $57,948.19       

ii)         Savings (6828)                               $10,090.47

iii)        Savings – Clubhouse (7652)            $ 5,837.74

iv)       Smith Barney                                 $ 619.11

v)         TOTAL Bank Accounts                                         $74,495.51

b)      Other Assets (CDs)                                                      $50,854.05

c)      Marathon in the Parks bank accounts (as of April 2006)

i)           Checking                                       $7,891.62

ii)         Savings                                          $2,340.79

iii)        TOTAL Bank Accounts                                         $10.232.41

d)      Pikes Peek bank accounts (as of June 2006)

i)           Checking                                       $3,800.48

ii)         TOTAL Bank Accounts                                        $3,800.48

e)      HYR bank account (as of April 2006)

i)           Checking                                       $11,023.81

ii)         TOTAL Bank Accounts                                        $11.023.81

f)       Significant income was received from:

i)           Membership dues                           $5,345.00

ii)         XMP                                             $6,721.02

g)      Significant expenses included:

i)           Rundown                                       $6,532.06

h)      Old Financial Action Items:

i)           Legg Mason CD’s: $10,000 was moved from savings to Legg Mason CD's - done

ii)         Begin 2005 tax preparation. Paperwork was mailed, applying for an extension.

iii)        Search for bookkeeper: Sethiya suggested instead of a bookeeper that we find an accountant to audit the club books

i)        Motion to approve this month’s Treasurer’s Report, Dave moved, Susan seconded, unanimous

6.      Unfinished Business

a)      Review Action Items from July Board meeting:

i)           Financial (0607-4g): Sethiya will clean up the balance sheet by fixing the budget and reconciling the budget report and accounts

b)      Review other Unfinished Business from July Board meeting minutes

i)           Financial (0508-7a):  Chris presented his work on the spreadsheet for low-key race budgets.  He gave the spreadsheet to George Tarrico, Race Coordinator, for his review and feedback.

ii)         Most improved runner of year award (0602-9a): Dave talked with Ron Ely and indicated that the ROY committee chose not to handle this. Completed.

c)      Internet volunteer database/intranet site (0606-6a):  Written report still expected from Christina Caravoulias.

i)           Sethiya talked with Pam about a race director's site for the club intranet, and she estimated $720.

ii)         Motion: Board agreed that this be tabled until the next year's budget is prepared. Motion Dave moved, Cathy seconded, unanimous

d)      Equipment purchase (0605-8a): New time machine was purchased  

e)      Updating of MCRRC message boards on Rock Creek Trail (0606-6c):  Chris purchased locks and installed them on the message boards. Completed.

f)       Self-Defense Class (0605-8g):  Cathy talked to the club member who approached us on behalf of the trainer, and she will talk to us and get back to us. Completed.

7.      New Business

a)      Request for Running Coach by a local school: A local school is looking for a running coach and sent the club a message for help with this.

i)           Action Item: Cathy will assemble an email group for certified coaches to deal with requests, and she will respond to this specific request

b)      Preparation of member survey. Dave passed around excerpts from 1989 club survey published in 'What do you think of when you run". Board agreed this should be discussed at the next strategic planning meeting

c)      Scheduling of next strategic planning meeting: The Board agreed to meet on August 21, 6:30 pm, at Guiseppi's in Rockville

d)      Review and possible ratification of 3 priorities selected at July 10 strategic planning meeting [see standing items below]

8.      Standing Items

a)      Run Aware Campaign (0602-3b):  see Business with Invited Guest

b)      Strategic planning Priorities

i)           Motion: As a result of several strategic planning meetings the Board agreed to a three-pronged approach to developing long-term strategic priorities based on key club functions: a) clubhouse research and fundraising with the goal of possibly purchasing a clubhouse, b) compiling and updating Board and club governance policies, and c) increasing member participation and volunteerism including developing new leaders, Jean moved, Cathy seconded, unanimous

9.      Business Between Meetings

a)      Strategic planning follow-up meeting held 7/10/06

b)      Take Back the Night 5k cancelled for 8/1/06 due to excessive heat warning

i)           Even though the race was canceled the Foundation would like a donation from the club. Motion to give a donation to the Olney Take Back the Night Foundation. Cathy moved, Motion was withdrawn pending further information

ii)         Action Item: Sethiya will report the amount of last year's contribution and the Board will vote at next meeting on an appropriate amount..

c)      CPR classes: Jean was asked to setup another course, she contacted people who taught in the past, has not heard back from all of them, some were booked, there are two possible teachers, likely costs are $35/person, in previous classes club members were reimbursed $25 of the amount and this will likely occur for this class.

i)           Motion: The Board will schedule a new CPR class for club members, Sethiya moved, Cathy seconded, unanimous

ii)         Action Item: Jean will contact instructors and arrange for schedule, space, etc. for an upcoming class

10.  Announcements

a)      Jean reminds everyone to sign up for Half-Marathon in the Parks

11.  Closure

a)      Action Items

i)           Financial (0607-4g): Sethiya will clean up the balance sheet by fixing the budget and reconciling the budget report and accounts

ii)         Request for Running Coach: Cathy will assemble an email group for certified coaches to deal with requests, and she will respond to this specific request

iii)        Take Back the Night Foundation donation: Sethiya will report the amount of last year's contribution and the Board will vote at next meeting on an appropriate amount.

iv)       CPR Class: Jean will contact instructors and arrange for schedule, space, etc. for an upcoming class

b)      Motions Passed (including motions by acclamation)

i)           Internet volunteer database/intranet site (0606-6a):  Board agreed to table any decision to pay for a race director's site for the club intranet until the next year's budget is prepared.

ii)         Strategic Planning Priorities: As a result of several strategic planning meetings the Board approved a three-pronged approach to developing long-term strategic priorities based on key club functions: a) clubhouse research and fundraising with the goal of possibly purchasing a clubhouse, b) compiling and updating Board and club governance policies, and c) increasing member participation and volunteerism including developing new leaders

iii)        Strategic Planning: Board agreed to hold another strategic planning meeting on July 10, Monday, Giuseppe's in Rockville, MD at 6:30 pm

iv)       CPR Classes: The Board approved scheduling a new CPR class for club members

c)      Review Plans for Next Meeting:

i)           Next meeting is September 7, 2006 at 6:30 pm, at the Stella Werner Council Office Bldg, 5th Floor Conference Room, 100 Maryland Ave, 5th Floor conference room. Jim offered to bring food.


Meeting Adjourned:  9:05 pm



Respectfully Submitted,



Gary Resnick Secretary, Montgomery County Road Runners Club